One Price Action trade

Why it’s so critical to master at least One Price Action trade setup

To our understanding and observation mastering the art of at least one price action trade setup isn’t really hard. Your attitude and ignorance on the subject come on your way that summarily make it real hard for you. Experts of forex trading emphasize on mastering at least one price action trade for the good. There are a couple of reasons for looking at it favorably.

  • Become a specialist, no place for mediocre: By saying so,we don’t expect you to become a genius in forex trading. The point is: you must create an edge for yourself in the market so that it can effectively help you sail through a series of trade without any flawor can lead to taking a dip into your capital. This edge is all about your entry trigger or the setup that you create for your own use. According to George Soros, it was his ability of detecting mistakes and initiating corrective measures quickly that helped him earn billions in forex trading.
  • No hybrid trading: Check with the successful forex traders in your market and you will by default see that they ardently stick to their cutting edge based on strategy. To become a successful forex trader, you really don’t need to learn many methods and then, create a hybrid one for you by making permutation and combination of the methods. Sorry, it doesn’t work.
  • No emotional trading and halfhearted effort: You must avoid confusion at the first place that usually emanates from the lack of knowledge or no knowledge on the subject. You must continually upgrade your knowledge base and at the same time avoid emotional trading. We haven’t seen anyone so far who achieved something in life (other than pushing himself/herself to the doomsday).

Simultaneously, give up halfhearted efforts. It will take you to nowhere. You will be simply wasting your energy and money over a period.

Bottom Line:

It is something like knowing your armory before getting into the skin of fighting in the market. Unless you know your potential and have strategy in place, how will you gain money?

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